Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Jenni & I took pictures for my mom for Mother's Day! The girls were fighting over Landon- Hailey told Jillian he was "her cousin":) Josh, Landon and I spent the day in the pouring rain! With flooding all around us, we enjoyed a relaxing dinner & shopping while Landon slept in my arms:)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

enjoying the outdoors!

We are enjoying this beautiful spring weather in our new home! Even though I don't think he likes to admit it, I think Josh enjoys having a lawn to mow finally:) He's been doing a great job of keeping it looking beautiful!! Landon LOVES to play outside. His new obsession is with water- "wader". And he talks about "wader" all the time. He enjoys seeing sprinklers spraying water, he loves hoses, fountains, and even puddles. Even bath time has become even more exciting because "wader" is involved! Landon is also learning his ABC's- he can get to the letter E, but I can't seem to get him on video saying them. Enjoy your day!!